Monday, October 28, 2013

Up-cycle inspiration

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Fall is my favorite time of year! The change in temperature, that special smell in the air, the super cute fall decor, it all just makes me feel extra crafty and my baking addiction comes out in full force. But, I've been dragging this year. I blame it on my sweet baby girl and her night owl ways.  So even though autumn was in full swing, I just couldn't find my inspiration.  That is until Karianna put her super cute, super trendy, super fall appropriate, wreath on her door! You guys would not believe how cute her wreath is. I had to make one.

The only problem, I had no budget to spend on a new wreath base and all the trimmings.  What's a girl to do?

Up-cycle Yo!

I had a wreath that I had purchased end of season years ago... Like six years ago... That I had held on to but was too embarrassed to actually put up. It wasn't that it was terrible, it was just a little juvenile. But the bones were good.  So I kept it.

Using the fire Karianna's wreath success had lit under me, I pulled out various old flowers, twine and a scrap of lace I had hanging around.  A few magical hours later, a completely re-designed wreath from materials randomly collected from the various craft storage nooks and crannies around the house, and 'viola! A fall wreath I actually like.

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